Cedar roofs are an excellent selection for your home, as they have a beautiful aesthetic appeal and fantastic lifespan. And, on top of that, they are friendly to the environment as well!
However, cedar roofs require special maintenance techniques and cedar roof repair in order to keep them durable and effective. Let’s look at a few issues that need to be taken care of with your cedar roof, so that it maintains a pleasing appearance for your home.
Cedar Roofing Mold
Despite their benefits, cedar roofs hold a disadvantage when it comes to water, due to the wood not being as water-tight as other roofing options. As time wears on and your roof is continuously exposed to weather, your roof becomes prone to holding water, allowing for mold build-up and for water to leak through into your home.
If this isn’t cared for, mold and mildew can build up on your roof, damaging the cedar shingles and ruining the natural beauty your roof had previously held. Regular inspections from proven cedar roofing repair specialists is key to sustaining the longevity and appeal that your cedar roof holds.
Cedar Roofing Stains
When moisture is held on your cedar roof, it causes more problems than just mold.
If moisture is present for a period of time, stains begin to appear on your cedar roof, which will also hurt the aesthetics of the roof. As the sun continues to beat down on the roof, this problem will continue to grow worse.
To fix this, you will need to hire a roofing contractor to remove the moisture from the surface of your roof. Once this is finished, a new coat or stain blocker must be applied to your roof in order to return it to its natural design. This is another costly issue that can be prevented with regular maintenance programs from your roofing company.
Cedar Roofing Specialists
Karbella Construction is a top-rated roofing company that services cedar roofs in Lake County, Ohio. We understand how important it is to maintain the attractiveness and durability of your cedar roof, so we offer specialized maintenance programs designed to keep your roof in top shape.
If any problems do occur to your cedar roof, it is important to have roofing specialists come out and do a thorough inspection of your roof, and then provide with the best solutions to return it to its best state. Our skilled team members have the expertise and knowledge needed to repair your cedar roof, and keep a watchful eye on it over time for any signs of common issues.
Free Estimates
If you notice that something is wrong with your roof, then contact Karbella Construction today online or call us at 440-742-2287 to have one of our expert team members come out and perform a detailed assessment of your roof’s condition. Once finished, we will guide you on the best steps to take to ensure that you can maintain its durability and appeal.
If you are ready to enhance the performance and longevity of your cedar roof, then don’t wait! Contact Karbella Roofing today to learn more about why we are known as one of the best cedar roofing specialists around!